Thursday, April 29, 2010

A GrandmasChickenSoup employee writes about her mom. . .

Obviously employees of GrandmasChickenSoup can not enter our Mother's Day Contest for a free soup and mug of crackers. . .but we certainly will let Melissa highlight her great Mom on my Blog.

"My mom is the best and I am thrilled to be able to say thank you to her this Mother’s Day. We were not sure at this time last that she would be around for us to do that. My mother is warm and caring. She always wanted to have a big family but was only able to have me. She proudly says, “I wanted 12 and got my 12 all wrapped up in you!” My mom was a divorced mom, worked hard full time and still attended all my activities. Hers was the loudest voice cheering. She has always made me feel loved and was awed and supportive of even my smallest accomplishments. Once I got married and decided to start a family she moved 300 miles to be close to us to help watch our children.

My mom works full time and watches her 3 grandchildren so that I can work. My girls love their “Nanny” and light up when she enters our house. Last year, my mom, who rarely got sick, was in the hospital for 3 weeks with a rare back infection. It was devastating, and at times we thought we might lose her. We are very lucky to say she made it through

There are many people that need to be thanked. Thank you to Mass General Hospital and their wonderful staff who helped nurse her back to health. It was a long process but she is now 100%. Thank you to David, Betsy and Janice Poritzky for whom I work at www.GrandmasChickenSoup. With my mother sick I was not able to work much for 2 months. They allowed me the freedom to watch my girls and help my mother get better as she recovered at home. They worked around my schedule and held my job until everything was back to normal. Finally, thank you to my mother for getting better. We need decades more time together with the best “Nanny”, “Mother-in-law” and “Mom”."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A few days left to still enter my Mother's Day Contest

Today's entry comes from Erin. . .

My mom deserves to win this contest, as she is the absolute best. When I was 12, and my brother was 14, she lost her best friend and we lost our dad, suddenly due to a heart attack. Our family was being torn apart. She managed to keep us together and raise us to be strong despite losing our dad. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to have to suddenly raise 2 teenagers by herself, but she pulled through. She now is a wonderful Grandmother to 5 grandkids and is still an incredibly strong woman. Her faith in God drives her each and every day. She is amazing and I am blessed to have her as my mom.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Today's highlighted Grandma's Mother's Day Contest. . .

There is still a week left to enter my Mother's Day Contest. Enter today, one lucky winner will be able to send the winning Mom a Free Soup and Mug full of crackers on Grandma!

Genevieve M., The Self Proclaimed Daughter of World's Greatest Mother, writes. . .

A nurse for nearly twenty-five years, my mother, Debbie M., is currently the weekend supervisor at a hospital. But for the last twelve years, she has additionally cared for two exceptional patients. Her mother battled multiple myeloma cancer for nearly a decade; my mom held her mother’s frail hand through every medical appointment, whether it was a blood transfusion, bone marrow transplant or chemotherapy treatment.

Only two months before enduring the grief of her mother’s death, her father suffered a stroke. The frightful night an ambulance rushed him to the hospital, the day cancer took my grandmother, during every occupational, speech and physical therapy session, and even now as he is beginning to walk, she had been by his side.

Despite working long weekend hours and regularly driving forty-five minutes to and from my grandfather’s house, my mom cheered for me at every swim meet, excitedly assisted me before each school dance and still answers the phone at any hour when I call from college in need of comforting. While perpetually existing ten minutes behind schedule and maybe not the best with cooking, cleaning or laundry, my mother is nonetheless the best exemplar I could ask for.

She offers ceaseless dedication to others, always putting everyone before herself. My mother’s passion in serving humanity and uncompensated zeal in caring for her family merits a reward. She has a perfect heart of unconditional love. Thank you for considering her for the Grandma’s Chicken Soup giveaway; I cannot think of anyone more deserving of such a gift.

Many Thanks.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today's highlighted Grandma's Mother's Day Entry. . .

Many great entries are coming in. I am sad we can only highlight a few. Here's is a darling piece from Michael H. about his mom. . .

My mom deserves far more than I should ever be able to give her, and words can't seem to sum up the great deal she's given me. It seems there's not a moment she isn't moving, working, helping, doing every bit she can. No matter the help I try to give, it's incomparable to what she has and is doing. I suppose I'm not different, considering I'm made of her flesh, blood and love, but everyone around me has taken notice of what she does and is constantly doing for my family. She's able to work eighteen-hour shfts, something my mind finds unimaginable. She's given me so much, I'd like to give her just a bit more than I have before.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

There is still over one week left to enter our Mother's Day Contest! Enter today. A great way to say thank you to Mom.

Here is a an entry from 8 year old Jackie. . .

My mom is the best mom ever because she is so sweet.
When I get hurt she helps me.
When I need to play with someone she plays with me, and buys me yummy food for lunch.
She always makes me nice dinners too.
She dresses me all matching colors and everybody loves what I wear!
She buys me a lot of nice toys.
When I am sad she helps me to get better.
When I cry she asks me why because I always have a good reason.
My mom loves me.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Mother's Day Contest Entry from Wendy tells of her transformation into her mother. . .

I didn’t want to believe it either. For years my husband would mention that I’m doing things like my mother, he would give reference to silly things, like my insistence on forcing friends to have something to eat, or in general to be too overly hovering and sensitive. Was it true? Was I becoming my mother? I just thought I was being a “baleboosteh” you know a good hostess. It doesn’t mean I’m my mother! We’re so different, we are worlds apart! I mean I was born here in Canada, I don’t speak her native language of Polish, I have no accent like her, I can’t crochet, knit or cook “K'naidel” (dumpling-like balls used for chicken soup) like her, I couldn’t be more different.

But after last night, I have to concede that I owe my husband an apology. It started innocently enough with laundry. I emptied the hamper of darks into my machine like I always do, I made sure none of the whites snuck in, all looked good, I even added some vinegar (ok like my mother likes to do) vinegar is known to help preserve color vitality. I closed the lid, and returned to watching TV feeling proud that I was multitasking. A half hour later I heard the machine stop, I opened the lid …

and Ta Da! Kleenex tissue pieces all over my laundry! It couldn’t be, I couldn’t have, and this can’t be! Oh BUT IT BE! a zillion tiny nasty pieces of wet Kleenex adhering to all the clothes with no intention of letting go! It was a nightmare! The only good thing was my husband was asleep and would never know about this secrettarred-and- Kleenexed in the white sticky stuff, I saw it…my dark navy top with one sleeve still rolled up. It didn’t have a pocket, so like my mother used to do, when I was little, I observed she would put her Kleenex in her sleeve. incident….and there as I pulled each item of clothing out… myself Well, as I unfurled my navy top, I noticed I had done the same thing, placing that innocent Kleenex in my sleeve, resulting in this guilty mess! And there you have it evidence that indeed eventually maybe we do all morph into one aspect of our mothers, and that at least in this instance my husband is right!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today's Highlighted Mother's Day Entry

Monica M. writes. . .

My mother's mind is not with us in reality as alert as she was, but is ever alert and beautiful in my heart. She is in the final stage of Dementia. . .My Mama was a social worker by profession. She completed college. . .one of the first in our extended family to complete college. When she divorced my Dad in the early 1970's, she went back to school and obtained her Masters Degree in Social Work, while supporting and raising 4 children.
In 1977 Mary was diagnosed with breast cancer. She took this challenge as she did all others with faith and a positive attitude. She was a safe haven for all of my sisters', brothers' and my friends. She often took them in when they were temporarily homeless or parentless due to life's situations. Mama was always encouraging, and was very active in our community through our Block club, Church, The American Breast Cancer Association, the National Association of Black Social Workers, and many other organizations.
When Mama and I noticed that she was beginning to have trouble remembering things, she bravely allowed my siblings and I to find her a great Doctor, and because of God and him she has still survived this disease since the mid to late 90's. Mama only recognizes any of us for about 30 seconds now, but her smile is radiant and we can still feel her love. She still has a great appreciation for what tastes good. If she doesn't like something her determination NOT to eat is fierce! I know that she would love your soup and enjoy the warmth and deliciousness of it. Your lemon iced cake is also delicious and I have sent these things to many of my friends and family over the years. I know my Mom would not only love to be recognized in this way, but she would be humbled at the total love and devotion that I feel for her.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Another great entry to win free soup for your mom

I am nominating my mom because she never says no. She helps everybody and is completely unselfish. I sent my son Grandma's soup this summer at camp when he was sick, because that is what my mom taught me. She always knew what to say and what to do to make me feel better. We know chicken soup is the best medicine and that's why I would like to nominate her to win a bowl of love.

Dr. Corey

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keep checking everyday to read entries for our Grandma's Mother's Day Contest. If you enter today you may see your story posted on my blog. The winner will be announced by May 5th. Good luck to all our authors and thank you to their great moms!

Here is one from Lynda M.

My mother is the best Mom in the world. She has worked hard to support me throughout the years. I could never pay her back for what she has given and done for me over the years, throughout my childhood and even my adult life. I feel very fortunate to have someone who loves me unconditionally, without judging me, yet gives constructive criticism when needed. I cherish her every minute of every day and try to show her how much I care by doing little things for her, spending time with or having her over for dinner. She has been a true positive inspiration in my life and I feel very blessed having her in my life. She is one in a million and I have the most wonderful mother ever! I may not win this contest, but I have the best prize of all because I have my mother.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to tell you how I feel about Mom.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Mother's Day Contest

Get a head start on Grandma's Mother's Day Contest!!!

GrandmasChickenSoup wants to celebrate your Mom this Mother’s Day

As a daughter, mother and grandmother, I know the importance of Mom. She does the dishes and the laundry, wipes the tears, stands in the cold rain during games, and finishes it off with a big hug and a kiss.

We want to thank one special Mom this year for Mother’s Day 2010.

Our Celebrate Mom contest will allow you to nominate the best Mom you know. The winner will receive a FREE half gallon of delicious GrandmasChickenSoup and a Grandma's Chicken Soup gift mug filled with crackers, our signature carrot pen and completed with a hand decorated whimsical chicken cookie.

We will feature many of the entries on my blog and Facebook for everyone to read.

Thank mom through your heartfelt words and for one deserving winner, she will get a FREE meal on me, GRANDMA.

In 300 words or less, tell us why this Mom you are nominating is special and deserves to be recognized and receive a Free gift. This can be any mom you know as long as they are great at the job of Motherhood.

Entries must be emailed to me at from now until May 2nd, 2010. The winning author will be notified via email May 3rd, 2010. In order for us to send the soup to the lucky mom before Mothers Day 2010, the winning author must provide us with winning mom’s address by May 4th. Employees and relatives of GrandmasChickenSoup and David’s World Famous are not eligible. The winning author may be asked to submit a picture to accompany their story.