Thursday, April 09, 2009

Our Reviews are Awesome!

We have had a lot of people send in reviews of our soup gifts lately,
and I thought everyone may be interested:

Here are a sample of them.
If you want to read more,
go to our website - -

Dear Grandma' All too often, businesses hear from their customers when they have something to complain about. Given our experience with your company and its product, we feel compelled to tell you how pleased we have been and more importantly how thrilled the recipients consistently react. Chicken Soup is the universal cure for anything and everything that hurts. When you can't be by the side of a friend or loved one, this is the next best thing. Grandma's Chicken Soup is delicious, nutritious, and noodlicious! We were so delighted to have received it, we have sent it to others many times. The reaction of those who receive it is always sheer delight! We can't recommend this highly enough!

I just wanted to write to you and let you know that I sent this to my daughter at college during exam time - - she loved it. She said that the blanket was so soft and comforting - it makes the perfect get well gift. . . it was like sending a little bit of hugs from me - - -THANKS!!!!

Received a comfy cozy today and it was wonderful.

Thank you and best wishes for not only the Holidays but for the growth of your business. I work with dozens and dozens of business owners. The successes are those with passion and a committed personal touch. Taking time to call me today tells me you have both of the indispensable qualities for success. Warm regards, Dick

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those reviews are great grandma!