Monday, December 28, 2009

Consumer Reports recommends chicken soup to treat a cold

Colds & coughs


Grandma was right: Chicken soup helps fight the common cold. Studies show that it can reduce symptoms, although it doesn't appear to prevent or shorten the illness. Inhaling the warm steam of the soup loosens nasal secretions, which helps drain sinuses. The soup's heat may also ease throat soreness, and the broth helps prevent dehydration.

What's more, research shows that chicken soup may have a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Steven Rennard, M.D., a pulmonologist at the University of Nebraska, and his colleagues used his wife's grandmother's recipe to cook up a batch of vegetable-filled chicken soup. They conducted test-tube analyses of soup samples and found that it prevented excessive buildup of virus-fighting cells called neutrophils, which trigger the inflammatory responses that make cold sufferers feel so rotten. Rennard reports that the soup was effective without matzo balls, although "it doesn't really taste right without them."


A simple folk remedy appears to trump over-the-counter cough medicine. In a 2007 study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 105 children ages 2 to 18 who suffered from upper-respiratory infections received no treatment, honey, or a honey-flavored over-the-counter cough suppressant. Parents rated their children's cough symptoms and quality of sleep. Those treated with honey did best.

The study was supported by a grant from the National Honey Board, an industry-funded agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The researchers said that honey might soothe irritated membranes in the back of the throat, and has well-established antioxidant and antiviral effects.

That's welcome news, because in January 2008 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said that over-the-counter cough medications posed unacceptable risks to children under age 2. And in 2005 the American College of Chest Physicians declared that OTC cough remedies were largely ineffective for people of any age.

The researchers in the Archives study gave one-half teaspoon of honey to children ages 2 to 5, 1 teaspoon to children 6 to 11, and 2 teaspoons to those ages 12 to 18. That higher amount is a reasonable dose for adults as well. You could try a smaller dose for children ages 1 to 2. But honey shouldn't be given to children under age 1 because it can cause infantile botulism, a rare but potentially life-threatening health problem.


Mothers who warn their children to bundle up in winter might feel vindicated. A 2005 study suggests that being cold may indeed lead to a cold—a notion that scientists long dismissed as folklore.

Welsh researchers recruited 180 volunteers during the cold season and chilled half of them by placing their feet in cold water for 20 minutes. Within five days, 29 percent of the chilled group caught colds, compared with only 9 percent of the others. Other research suggests that chilling the feet causes blood vessels in the nose to narrow. That limits the supply of infection-fighting white blood cells in the nasal passage, where cold viruses most often enter the body.

The researchers say that previous studies that found no link between getting chilled and colds were too small and did not use natural exposure to cold viruses. While the more recent study is not definitive either, it certainly adds another reason to stay warm in winter, particularly by wearing warm socks and water-resistant shoes. For more protection, wash your hands frequently and avoid people with colds.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Soup Special - Buy 4 Get 1 Free

Buy 4 - Get 1 FREE -A special offer just for you!

To celebrate this holiday season, is offering you a special holiday discount - - If you buy 4 Gift Packages at our regular price we will give you 1/2 Gallon of Chicken Soup FREE - - While you are running around shopping, decorating, etc. - enjoy a delicious meal on Grandma (or send it to a friend)!
To take advantage of the awesome offer, check out our gift packages at and then enter the coupon code FREESOUP2009 when checking out. To place this order on the phone - call (877) 363-SOUP (7687)!

We appreciate your business, and hope you will shop with us!
Shipping charges are not included in this offer.
This offer does not apply to previous orders.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Apparently chicken soup IS the ultimate get well gift for the flu . . .we are so busy sending out soups!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Celebrating our 5th year in business with a coupon code!

Get $5 off with coupon code FIVEYEAR - tell your friends!

Coupon valid today through 10/31!

Order early for the holidays!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Center for Culinary Development (CCD) did a study involving comfort foods and the generations. There are many interesting findings, but one that is not a surprise to me, "chicken soup" was listed by many as a comfort food they crave.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Have you seen our newest baby gifts

Our baby gifts are selling like hotcakes! Check out our newest line of gifts . . . we have cupcake pjs, onesies in the shape of roses, and much more! Check out our baby gifts!

Monday, July 13, 2009


We are sending out tons of gifts to expectant moms . . . a lot of people are ordering our soup lovers that contains 2 soups, one for before the baby an one to put in the freezer for after!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Chat online!

We are now available during
business hours if you have a question
and want to chat online!
Check it out!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

An Announcement from
Grandma's Chicken Soup - -
Check out our new box!

New Box

Looks like a wrapped gift!

We are happy to announce that
because our company is growing in
leaps and bounds, we have added an
upgrade to our plain white box!

We now have this beautiful box that,
when it arrives, looks like a wrapped gift!

Check out our site and send a loved one a gift today!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chicken soup for a cold - some real evidence!

Chicken soup for a cold

Research hints that chicken soup remedy may have scientific validity in reducing cold symptoms.

Contact: Vicky Cerino, UNMC Public Relations p: (402) 559-5190 e:

October 21, 2008

Since releasing his research findings on the benefits of chicken soup in 1993, University of Nebraska Medical Center researcher, Stephen Rennard, M.D., has been cited by thousands of media outlets around the world.

“When I’m gone, out of all the research I’ve done, I’ll probably be remembered most for my research on chicken soup,” Dr. Rennard said.

In his research study, Dr. Rennard found that chicken soup contains a number of substances, including an anti-inflammatory mechanism that could ease the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. The suspected benefits of chicken soup were reported centuries ago. The Egyptian Jewish physician and philosopher, Moshe ben Maimonides, recommended chicken soup for respiratory tract symptoms in his 12th century writings which were, in turn, based on earlier Greek writings. But, there’s little in the literature to explain how it works.

A challenge outside of the normal realm of scientific research, and curiosity about the long-touted folk medicine, first led a University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) physician/researcher to embark upon an off-beat study to see if the soup may indeed have medicinal value.

In 1993, Stephen Rennard, M.D., conducted an informal laboratory study and submitted the results as an abstract mostly because of its amusement value. Seven years later, his chicken soup research was published in the Oct. 17 issue of CHEST, the peer-reviewed journal of the American College of Chest Physicians. It is titled, “Chicken Soup Inhibits Neutrophil Chemotaxis In Vitro.”

Dr. Rennard, Larson Professor of Medicine in the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Section at UNMC, had for years watched his wife, Barbara, cook her Lithuanian grandmother’s chicken soup recipe when a cold was going around her family of 10.

“She told me the soup was good for colds,” Dr. Rennard said. “I’ve heard that a zillion times. Then I started to think, ‘well, maybe it has some anti-inflammatory value.’ Everyone’s heard this from their mother in many cultures. No one seems to have a monopoly on the insight of the value of chicken soup.”

Three batches of soup prepared in the home of Dr. Rennard were studied in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Researchers collected neutrophils from blood donated by healthy, non-smoking volunteers.

The study focus was to find out if the movement of neutrophils – the most common white cell in the blood that defends the body against infection – would be blocked or reduced by chicken soup. Researchers suspect the reduction in movement of neutrophils may reduce activity in the upper respiratory tract that can cause symptoms associated with a cold.

Colds are the result of infection in the upper respiratory tract, which causes inflammation. Although colds are not completely understood, it is believed the inflammation contributes to cold symptoms. Dr. Rennard theorized if soup can stop or reduce inflammation, it might reduce the symptoms of a cold.

In the laboratory, UNMC scientists diluted the soup and subjected the neutrophils to several variations of the soup, including vegetables, chicken and a combination of the ingredients. The team found the movement of neutrophils were reduced. Samples taken during the initial stages of the soup with chicken broth alone were not found effective in inhibiting neutrophil movement.

The researchers were not able to identify the exact ingredient or ingredients in the soup that made it effective against fighting colds but theorize it may be a combination of ingredients in the soup that work together to have beneficial effects. “All vegetables and the soup had activity,” Dr. Rennard said. “I think it’s the concoction.”

Known as “Grandma’s Soup,” the recipe includes chicken, onions, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, carrots, celery stems, parsley, salt and pepper. For comparison purposes, commercial soups were obtained from a local supermarket and prepared according to the directions on the label. Many of the soups had the same inhibitory effect.

“A variety of soup preparations were evaluated and found to be variably, but generally, able to inhibit neutrophil chemotaxis,” Dr. Rennard said. “The current study, therefore, presents evidence that chicken soup might have an anti-inflammatory activity, namely the inhibition of neutrophil migration.”

Researchers noted that “Grandma’s soup” has several unusual features. It contains strained vegetables. Dr. Rennard noted, however, that the inhibitory activity was observed with several other recipes that lack the particles from vegetables. “Thus,” he said, “while the identity of the biologically active materials is unknown, it seems likely they are water-soluble or extractable. Pureed carrots or other vegetables are not recommended as a remedy while chicken soup is.”

He said the soup also may improve rehydration and nutrition in the body. The psychological and physical comfort soup provides may also have a placebo effect for those who are feeling ill.

Ronald Ertl, research coordinator of the lung biology laboratory at UNMC, said colleagues working near the lab wondered about the aroma coming from the lab. “It was the only time in my life when I could work in the lab and taste the samples,” Ertl said. “The lab shouldn’t smell like your kitchen.”

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Mother's Day Gifts

Our gifts make great Mother's Day gifts! Check out our Soup and Flowers - -

There is no better way to brighten someone’s day than by giving them a yummy bowl of soup to fill their tummy and beautiful flowers to fill their hearts. Our flower package includes a beautiful gift boxed Marigold Growing Kit. The growing kit includes everything needed for growing cheery marigolds that will last and last. Simply put the seeds into the growing medium inside the terra cotta planter (all of which are provided) and in a short time Marigolds will be blooming. No gardening expertise required. The Soup and Flowers package includes: One half gallon container (4-6 servings) of Grandma's delicious chicken soup with noodles and/or matzo balls.

Plus...the package includes:

  • One Marigold Growing Kit which comes complete with:
    • Terra Cotta Planter
    • Growing Medium
    • Premium Seed
    • Growing instructions


Monday, April 20, 2009

Watch Grandma tonight on the Food Network!

Grandma will teach how to make her delicious homemade chicken soup tonight on "Unwrapped with Mark Summers"! Watch her tonight!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Our Reviews are Awesome!

We have had a lot of people send in reviews of our soup gifts lately,
and I thought everyone may be interested:

Here are a sample of them.
If you want to read more,
go to our website - -

Dear Grandma' All too often, businesses hear from their customers when they have something to complain about. Given our experience with your company and its product, we feel compelled to tell you how pleased we have been and more importantly how thrilled the recipients consistently react. Chicken Soup is the universal cure for anything and everything that hurts. When you can't be by the side of a friend or loved one, this is the next best thing. Grandma's Chicken Soup is delicious, nutritious, and noodlicious! We were so delighted to have received it, we have sent it to others many times. The reaction of those who receive it is always sheer delight! We can't recommend this highly enough!

I just wanted to write to you and let you know that I sent this to my daughter at college during exam time - - she loved it. She said that the blanket was so soft and comforting - it makes the perfect get well gift. . . it was like sending a little bit of hugs from me - - -THANKS!!!!

Received a comfy cozy today and it was wonderful.

Thank you and best wishes for not only the Holidays but for the growth of your business. I work with dozens and dozens of business owners. The successes are those with passion and a committed personal touch. Taking time to call me today tells me you have both of the indispensable qualities for success. Warm regards, Dick

Japanese Researchers have discovered what all good grandmas have known for years. . .chicken soup is good for your health.

Submitted by Kathleen Blanchard RN on Apr 3rd, 2009
Posted under:

Information from the American Chemical Society (ACS) reminds us of the potential health benefits of chicken and matzoh ball soup. Japanese researchers have found powerful blood pressure lowering properties from collagen proteins found in chicken legs and feet, making chicken soup served at Passover more than just a healthy meal.
According to a Japanese study, originally published in the American Chemical Society's publication, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, September 2008, chicken soup could have a new role for good health by keeping blood pressure under control.
Because matzoh ball soup will be on Passover menus beginning April 8, the ACS seems to be raising awareness of the study to educate about the lesser-known health benefits of chicken soup for lowering blood pressure – especially chicken soup made with the right chicken parts.
Previous studies, cited by Japanese researchers Ai Saiga, Ph.D., and colleagues, show that chicken breast contains collagen proteins that act just like ACE inhibitors – blood pressure medications that are widely used to treat hypertension. The proteins are more prevalent in chicken legs. . .
Reference: ACS
Source: Kathleen Blanchard RN

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Interview with Joan Hamburg on her radio show Wed, 4/8/09

I am thrilled to be interviewed by Joan Hamburg (the Grand Dame of yummy radio ) for the second time. We can be heard tomorrow, Wed (4/8/09) on the Joan Hamburg Radio Show on WOR between 11am and 1pm. I will be featured on her recipe of the week segment. Joan brings a fun sophistication to the airways with many topics that are geared to the Tri-State area audience but her appeal and entertainment is national. Mark your calendars and listen. Who knows, this bubbe may give up a Matzo Ball secret or two?!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

I do what most Grandma’s do if they have the chance. I pick up some of my grandchildren after school, I baby-sit, take them shopping, cook special dishes they like, hold them when they’re hurting, etc. But, I also have become one of the chicken soup experts in the celebrity world of cooking.

When Bobby Flay, Super Chef, of the Food Network, took on Jeff Nathan, owner and chef at Abigael's on Broadway in New York, for a competitive matzo ball soup cook-off on his program “Throwdown with Bobby Flay” he, of course, called me to be one of the two judges since I am the leader of a production team that produces and markets a very unique gift item – fresh made chicken soup that is shipped nationwide.

At no time prior to when my son, David Poritzky and daughter, Betsy Maselek asked me to ratchet up my Grandma role for this new business gig did I ever envision going on nationwide television programs as a classic chicken soup making grandma! Previously I had shown my soup making abilities on “Unwrapped” as well as “Roker on the Road” with Al Roker.

My recent TV gig was shown on April 1st on the Food Network– on Throwdown with Bobby Flay! To see it again, tune in to the Food Network:

Apr 12, 2009
11:00 PM ET/PT
Apr 13, 2009
2:00 AM ET/PT
Apr 18, 2009
4:00 PM ET/PT

. . .and yes, Bobby Flay is as much of a doll in person as he appears on TV.